I’d Love To Speak At Your Event!

“During Mental Health Awareness Month, Michelle Habrych shared information and personal experiences with patrons of the Round Lake Area Public Library in a program on postpartum depression. Such a presentation would be an excellent option for any library trying to increase mental health awareness in their community. The honest personal accounts she shares as she educates do a lot to ease the stigma of this difficult topic and encourage greater empathy and understanding.”
– Cheryl Clark, Administrative Services Assistant, Round Lake Area Public Library District
“I would give anything to go back in time and receive Michelle’s wisdom, compassion, and support when I was struggling through postpartum anxiety. Her book and presentation are potentially life-changing—even life-saving—for mothers and their families suffering from the pain and confusion of PPD.”
-Tania Runyan, author, editor, and mother of three
“Michelle is passionate about sharing a message of hope to moms struggling with postpartum depression. Her story creates a catalyst for in-depth conversations about many of our hidden realities with mental health struggles in the perinatal season of life.”
—Hannah G., Immanuel Mops, Gurnee
“Michelle gives hope to moms suffering through the murky waters of postpartum depression and counsels others on how to recognize and offer help to young moms facing this crisis. Michelle knows her stuff. She’s lived the pain firsthand and desires, in the words of the Apostle Paul, to comfort others with the comfort with which she has been comforted.”
—Pam Gillaspie, author of the Sweeter than Chocolate® and Cookies on the Lower Shelf Bible study series
“Michelle speaks about the important topic of postpartum depression with honesty and insight, explaining how to recognize the symptoms in yourself or others, and offering encouragement and hope. A presentation by her is a positive and educational addition to any women’s or moms’ group.”
–Amy Vagnoni, leader of MOMS Together at New Hope Christian Community Church
“Michelle was phenomenal! She was candid and found ways to make connections with the audience. She was compassionate and her mission to help others was clear.”
–Iliana S., MOMS Together member
I am available to speak at churches, moms’ groups, libraries, community events, and anywhere people are willing to learn about postpartum depression and how they can help others.
Reach out to me to check availability!