It’s July, which means it’s “camp” for me. Two years ago this month I took the month of July to write the first draft of my memoir, the book that you can now buy here. It was a great month to get thoughts down on paper, to translate notes and journal entries into something useful. It was just the beginning though. Many more revisions and input from beta readers served to make my book You are Not Alone the useful tool it is now for women experiencing postpartum depression, as well as for anyone who wants to know more about this misunderstood time in a new mother’s life.

What am I working on? Well, honestly, I do not have a specific topic. I have spent the last three days writing about topics as they came to mind. I have named my project “Just Write,” as I am trying to get back into the habit of daily writing. I find that it helps me to process ideas and practice writing again in a manner that is free from the pressure of trying to write “something.”

I have many ideas rolling around in my mind that I would love to write about, including Abigail Adams and the trip I just took. Is that what my next project will be? I don’t know yet, and I am learning to be okay with that.

I will just write, and it will all reveal itself to me eventually.